We assure you most accurate, trustworthy and reliable tax preparation services by our Canadian professional accountant. Our tax services include the following:
1. Personal taxes including self-employed, salaried, seniors, individual investors, real estate brokers, taxi and truck drivers, sub-contractors etc.
2. Corporation taxes
3. Information tax returns for charity.
4. Information tax returns for non-profit organization.
5. Payroll taxes (T4 Returns).
6. Estate taxes.
7. Sub-contractor ( T4A Returns and T5018 for construction contractors ).
8. Dividend and interest return ( T5 Return) and capital dividend.
9. Foreign Income verification statement. (T1135).
10 Non-Resident personal and corporation taxes including UHT Return filing.
11 Tax filing of new comers to Canada.
12. Other tax services as per need of client.
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